Archived Media
As this website has turned attention to broader questions of community-scale solar, storage, and load flexibility, we have separated still useful, but older, resources from our latest work. For example, we have a current Blog, initiated in 2021–reflecting the warp-speed launch of many advances in our industry, including through our SPECs solar-plus project. The blog entries related to the Community Solar Value Project, including early work on solar-plus, pioneering case studies, insights regarding utility change management and more are available as an Archived Blog page.
There are other treasures, too, for any distribution utility planner or community-focused solar innovator. The Webinars page features interviews with community solar innovators and policy and development leaders, sponsored by the Community Solar Value Project from 2015 - 2017. Not all slide presentations from these webinars are posted. However, if you Contact us, we can provide slides or contact information for presenters. Disclaimer: While CSVP made efforts to feature expert guests, each guest is fully responsible for the content that they presented. Further, some material may be outdated due to changing market or policy conditions. 2017 Webinar Schedule
2016 Webinar Schedule
2015 Webinar Schedule