CSVP, SPECs and the Solar Value Project Team
Through previous and current federally-supported efforts, client projects and internally-funded work, the organizers and co-authors of this site continue to build the value proposition for community-scale solar, solar-plus-storage, solar-plus with load flexibility, and utility leadership toward renewables integration. Feel free to check in with the individual partner firms, to learn more about their work and their services for you.
Cliburn and Associates, LLC is focused on identifying and replicating best practices and innovation in utility clean-energy, including solar and wind, load flexibility and energy efficiency. Specialties range from market assessment and business model innovation, to stakeholder processes and policy. Currently serving as PI for Solar-Plus for Electric Cooperatives and as a consultant to the National Community Solar Partnership. See www.cliburnenergy.com.
Extensible Energy is an energy consulting and analytics firm that delivers market insights and advanced technology solutions for energy suppliers, energy customers, and third-party market participants. One current focus for Extensible Energy is the commercial introduction of its Demand EX software, which pairs with solar in commercial facilities. Superior solar project returns are achieved through easy-to-install AI software that uses eGauge’s data to optimize flexible loads and reduce demand and TOU charges. See www.extensibleenergy.com.
North Carolina Clean Energy Technology Center. Housed at North Carolina State University, the NCCETC provides services in North Carolina and beyond, relating to the development and adoption of clean energy technologies. Through programs such as Solar in the Southeast and participation in SPECs, it promotes the development and use of clean energy in ways that stimulate a sustainable economy while reducing dependence on foreign sources of energy, and mitigating environmental impacts of fossil fuel use. See https://nccleantech.ncsu.edu
Olivine, Inc. provides a variety of needed grid services for DER implementation at both the distribution and transmission levels. It works directly with communities and utilities in California and beyond to realize solutions at the grid edge. The CSVP especially benefitted from the support of Olivine's current Director of Resource Acquisition and Development, Joe Bourg. See www.olivineinc.com.
Guidehouse Formerly Navigant, Guidehouse is a global consulting firm that brings energy, sustainability, and infrastructure professionals into collaboration with utilities and energy providers, investors and large corporations, NGOs and the public sector to create sustainable, resilient communities and infrastructure. During our work on the CSVP, Navigant provided exceptional support and insights community solar market developments. See www.guidehouse.com.
The Solar Value Project recognizes all our partners and contributors, past and present. When using or citing works downloaded from this site, please provide proper citations and consider dropping us a note. We believe our work will succeed only as a broad and collegial effort.